How To Install SPC Flooring - A Complete Guide

Blog: How To Install SPC Flooring - A Complete Guide

  • Jul 4, 2023
  • 4220
How To Install SPC Flooring - A Complete Guide

SPC flooring - the word that is getting popular every single day in the flooring industry. But why? Well, it gives innumerable reasons to fall in love with it. Its durability, versatile collection, high water resistance, and easy installation make it amazing.

Hold on. Easy installation? How is it possible? Well, that is true. Installation of SPC flooring is very easy. Its locking system is so easy to apply that you do not need any technical help. You can install it yourself. So, it definitely saves you from spending money unnecessarily on its installation. Wow, that’s cool!

But how to install it? Now, that’s a big question. 

You are not a flooring expert who knows all the installation technicalities. But you need not worry, as the expert of SPC flooring, FloorMonk, will help you out. So, are you ready to explore the SPC flooring installation with us? Then read this blog until the end to install your SPC flooring like a pro.

Upgrade Now with SPC Flooring

Unveiling The Marvels Of SPC Flooring

Now, many of you might not know SPC flooring. So, first, you need to know the magic of SPC flooring before knowing its installation.

How to Install SPC Flooring - A Complete Guide

SPC flooring is a short family name of ‘Stone Plastic Composite.’ As the name itself says, it is a combination of different types of stones and plastic elements. So, you can imagine how mesmerizing its design collection would be.

Moreover, having multiple layers of stone and plastic polymers, it becomes a strong flooring version that can resist even the hardest foot traffic. And, when we are talking about the magical wonders of SPC flooring, how can we forget about its high water resistance? Due to this, it has become everyone’s favorite bathroom flooring.

So, whether it's about high durability, versatile designs, or high water resistance, it is proving to be the biggest floor craving for every space.

Pre-Installation Preparation

Now that you know the magic of SPC flooring, we’re sure you might eagerly await its installation process. But you need to have some patience. Because, here, you need to get prepared with some basic requirements. Now, what is it? Let us tell you.

How to Install SPC Flooring

Now, the first thing you need to do is to measure your space area perfectly. Perfect measurement will help you know the right flooring tiles you need. So, ensure you measure it correctly, as the wrong measurement will make you spend wrongly on the wrong amount of SPC tiles.

And the second thing you have to do is to level your flooring surface. SPC tiles expect to have a perfectly leveled surface for them. So, you have to make your surface neat by removing the existing tiles and debris from it.

So, just two things, and now you are good to start your SPC flooring installation.

Tools And Materials Required

As we all know, every installation needs some essential tools. Here also, by just having SPC tiles, you will not be able to install them. You will definitely need some sort of tools to get started. So, let us introduce you to these tools.

Install SPC Flooring - A Complete Guide


  • Precision Cutter: It is obvious that you will need a device to cut the huge planks of SPC tiles. And, here, a precision cutter will help you out.

  • Spacer: It will be the perfect tool to help you keep space between the tiles.

  • Rubber Mallet: This tool will allow you to connect all the placed tiles with each other.

  • Claw/ Pry Bar: You have to be ready with a pry bar of SPC tiles if you make any mistake.


  • Underlayment: This will prevent all sorts of damage to your SPC tiles through its cushioning layer.

  • Adhesives: This material helps you stick the tiles at their preferred location forever.

  • Transition: It will help you give a finishing touch to your tiles after installation.

Now that you have catered to all the necessary flooring essentials, FloorMonk will be able to guide you in your SPC flooring installation.

Step-By-Step Installation Guide

Finally, you have reached your destination of the installation process. And, you need not take even a single portion of stress as FloorMonk is your guide. So, are you ready to get started? If yes, then let’s begin the easiest SPC installation.

Install SPC Flooring

Starting the Installation Process

• Choosing the right direction for installation: Every process needs a starting point. And the same goes for your SPC tile installation. You have to decide on one perfect direction as the beginning point.

• Establishing a reference line: Once you are ready with your beginning point, you have to draw a reference line. Now, how will it help? Well, it will help your tiles to follow a straight path.

Installing the First Row

• Cutting the first plank to the correct length: Perfect plank cutting always depends on your accurate space measurements. So, make sure to have the correct measurements. Cutting with the wrong measurement will waste your tiles.

• Installing the first plank securely: After accurately cutting the plank, you have to carefully place your SPC tiles, keeping the reference line in mind. Once placed, gently tap the tiles for perfect placement.

Installing Subsequent Rows

• Properly aligning and interlocking the planks: While placing the tiles, you have to make sure to align them in a systematic pattern to avoid jargon. 

• Using tapping blocks and rubber mallets for tight connections: After aligning all the tiles properly, you need to tap them gently unless you get the ‘click’ sound.

Dealing with Obstacles and Corners

• Cutting and fitting planks around doorways and irregular shapes: Fitting your tiles near doorways will make it hard for you. But precise tile cutting will help you overcome this situation. 

• Techniques for handling corners and trim areas: Tile fitting in corners! Oh, it's a bit of a cumbersome task. But, the trimmed pieces you got while cutting your SPC tiles will become a treasure.

Finishing the Installation

• Completing the last row: Finally, we have reached the finish line. As of now, you are left with the last row for your flooring installation. 

• Checking for gaps and making necessary adjustments: It's time for your flooring to have a final touch-up. You have to check every space of your flooring for any gaps. And, in case you find them, you need not panic. You just need to fill those gaps. 

If you are still confused between different flooring choices, our detailed guide on various flooring comparison can help you make a firm decision.

Post-Installation Consideration

Now, it's time for you to party as you have completed your SPC flooring installation independently. But, there are a few things which you really need to look after. Let me tell you what these things are.

How to Install SPC Flooring - A Complete Guide

• Allow the floor to settle and cure: When you complete your flooring installation, you cannot immediately allow the traffic to use it. You have to give some time to your SPC tiles to settle down, just like we give settling time to our cheese cake.

• Cleaning and maintaining for longevity: If you want your tiles to live longer, you must look after them daily. Regular cleaning with a soft mop will keep the health of your SPC tiles good.

• Tips for addressing common installation issues: It's okay if you face any installation issues initially. And, still, if the issue prevails, you can feel relaxed as you have FloorMonk as your guide. FloorMonk, like your best friend, will solve all your flooring installation issues instantly.

So, you can see how SPC flooring from FloorMonk is easy to install. And, when FloorMonk is your guide, you can install your flooring like a pro without hiring any kind of technical team. Wow!

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