UzBuild 2023: Leading Building & Architecture Expo Tashkent

Events & Exhibitions: UzBuild 2023 | Floormonk

  • Feb 28, 2023 TO Mar 3, 2023
  • 765
UzBuild 2023 | Floormonk

The 24th Uzbekistan International Building Expo or UzBuild has hailed itself within the fraternity of architects and builders and merits particular priority. The display showcases the top successes and lessons learned by local and international producers of construction materials, technology, and advanced machinery.
Building elements, interior decorating, architecture, and ornamental lighting design, electric windows, doors, and exterior, toolkits, and fastening solutions, tools and machinery for carpentry, house building, and other topics are covered in the core aspects of the UzBuild 2023 exposition. With exclusive access to more than 10,000 prospective customers at the biggest construction and architecture exhibition in the region, UzBuild guarantees greater volume and geographic promotions for exhibitors.

Venue: Uzexpocentre NEC, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

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